MannLab researches, designs and commercializes human and machine augmentation  systems for work, health and play, building on Professor Mann's inventions including Digital EyeglassHDR and Hydraulophone among others.

Companies that we have founded or co-founded include Meta, the world's leading augmented reality headset for developers, InteraXon, makers of Muse, the brain sensing headband, Splashtones, manufacturer and distributor of the world's first instrument to make music from water, and VisionerTech, China's leading mediated reality headset.  Collectively, our companies have a valuation in excess of $1 billion.

Companies where our patents and inventions have been widely commercialized include Apple (Apple Watch and HDR in iPhone), Google (Google Glass), and Samsung (HDR).

Other Mann inventions include online photo sharing, video orbits, sousveillance, natural user interface and chirplet transform.